Census 2020

The City of Graham Counts

The City of Graham encourages all residents to participate in the United States 2020 Census.  Together we are all working as one community to achieve a full count in the 2020 Census.

Why is the 2020 Census important?

Every 10 years, the U.S. Constitution requires a count of the nation’s population to determine the number of congressional representatives for each state.  The government also uses census data to distribute an estimated $600 billion dollars in federal funding annually.

The City is committed to ensuring a full count of all Graham residents.  The County  has dedicated resources and expertise to develop a comprehensive, collaborative and ongoing effort to identify hard-to-count populations and identify the most effective ways to encourage participation in the census.  We will continue to work together – local government, community agencies, and our residents – to make sure everyone is counted in 2020.

Shape your future.


It’s Quick and Easy

It’s Not Too Late

It’s Safe and Secure

Census 101:  What you need to know

For more information

Visit the U.S. Census Bureau on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube, or visit their website. To learn more about the Complete Count Committee for Alamance County (click here).