Future Plans
In preparation for the future, the City has created a series of plans to help guide and manage growth. Throughout the processes community members were asked to provide input about each plan before ultimately being adopted by City Council. These plans serve as the City’s vision helping to direct Staff toward a shared goal. These plans may also be useful to private developers seeking to invest in our community by providing information about our communities strategic vision, land use goals, future transportation investments, and other capital projects which may impact commercial site selection or residential development decisions.
2035 Comprehensive Plan
This plan, is a roadmap for the City's future outlining goals and strategies for creating a vibrant community along with recommendations about future land use. Adopted 9/5/2015.
Downtown Master Plan
This plan, serves as a vision for downtown development and will guide future City investments including engineering, designing, and up-fitting critical infrastructure. Learn more...
Pedestrian Transportation Plan
This plan, recommends both physical and policy changes to improve walking in our community. Adopted 12/01/2006
Hazard Mitigation Plan
This plan, updated from the Alamance County Hazard Mitigation Plan, deals with disasters to floods. Adopted 9/3/2015.
Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
This plan, documents the regions vision for its future transportation system (including all modes) and prioritizes transportation improvements over the next twenty-five years. Learn more...
Proposed Pedestrian Plan
The Plan primarily focuses on infrastructure improvements in support of walking, improving crossings at roadways, and building out and connecting to a regional greenway network.