Graham Recreation & Parks and CLAWS, Inc. invite you to an Owl Release at Graham Regional Park. In April 2023, our Graham-Mebane Lake Warden Steve Hadden, Lake staff, and CLAWS, Inc. teamed up to help when a Barred Owl owlet fell from its nest. It needed extra TLC when it was found and taken to CLAWS, Inc. an “all-volunteer run rehabilitation facility in the Triangle that rehabilitates all species”. We received an update that it is now ready to be released back into the wild and will be released in a local park. Come and witness this special moment, and learn more about this amazing raptor and other feathered friends.
Date: Wednesday, July 26
Time: 11:00am
For All Ages
Cost: Free
Location: Graham Regional Park (at the shelter) • 1575 North Jim Minor Road, Haw River, NC 27258
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