
Considering opening a business, constructing or expanding a building, subdividing land, or another type of development? Please familiarize yourself with the City’s regulations through the Development Process Overview. 

Zoning Application

Considering opening a new business or relocating in Graham? Check to make sure the zoning of the property permits the proposed use. Apply now...

Wastewater Survey

This required form is used to determine the types and sources of wastewater that your business is or will be discharging into the Graham Wastewater Treatment Plant. Apply now...

Sign Permit Application

Ready to let the world know you're open for business? If you plan to put up a new sign or reface the old one you will need a sign permit. Apply now...

Site Plan Review

A site plan must be approved prior to any building, structure, or parking facility is constructed, installed, expanded or extended. Apply now...

Rezoning & Conditional Rezoning Application

Want to rezone a property for a particular use?
Apply now...

Subdivision Application

Interested in developing a minor or major subdivision? This required application provides the City information about your project in order to plan for orderly growth. Apply now...

Floodplain Development Permit

A floodplain development permit is required prior to the commencement of any development activity in a Special Flood Hazard Area. Apply now...

Stormwater Permit

Development that disturbs one or more acres, whether in a single project or cumulatively over multiple phases are required to apply for a Stormwater Permit. Apply now...

Construction Permits

Ready to start construction? Talk with our Inspections Department. Learn more...