Planning Board & Board of Adjustment

Meeting Details:

Regular meetings of the Planning Board & Board of Adjustment are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 201 South Main Street.


Interested in volunteering to serve on the Planning Board? There are a few important things to consider. All members must live in the City of Graham or its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Planning Board Meetings may last up to 4 hours and it is anticipated that members will spend additional time prior to each meeting reviewing proposed projects. Applicants should have an interest in current and future development. 

We encourage potential volunteers to attend a meeting and talk with the staff liaison or Chairperson to answer any questions you may have prior to completing an application. 

Note: Your address may not always reflect whether you are a City of Graham resident. If you are interested in serving on the Planning Board but live in the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) please fill out the Alamance County application. If you are unsure about your residences status you may wish to reference the City of Graham map or contact the City Clerk (336) 570-6700 ext. 3103 to inquire.

Planning Board Agendas & Minutes

PB Application DeadlinePublic Notice DatePB Meeting DateCC Meeting PB Agenda Packet
2/25/243/15/233/19/2404/09/2024Agenda Packet
3/25/2404/10/20234/16/245/14/24Agenda Packet
5/25/246/14/236/18/2407/09/2024Agenda Packet
6/25/2407/12/20237/16/248/13/24Agenda Packet
7/25/248/16/238/20/2409/10/2024Agenda Packet
8/25/249/13/239/17/2410/08/2024Agenda Packet
9/25/2410/10/202310/15/2411/12/2024Agenda Packet
11/25/2412/13/2312/17/241/14/25Agenda Packet

Board of Adjustment Calendar

Application DuePublic Notice DateBOA Meeting DateBOA Agenda Packet
4/25/235/12/235/16/23Agenda Packet
5/25/236/16/236/20/23Agenda Packet
6/25/237/14/237/18/23Agenda Packet
7/25/238/11/238/15/23Agenda Packet


You’re in the right spot! Above in the Agendas & Minutes section of the page you will find the next Planning Board or Board of Adjustment meeting and click on the corresponding agenda packet link with all of the information the applicant has provided. Still have questions? Give us a call at 336-570-6705.

The Planning Board serves in an advisory capacity to City Council. Their primary role is to  determine whether the proposed rezoning meets the goals of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan and gather any other evidence that may influence City Council’s final decision. As such, legal notice is not required ahead of the Planning Board meeting. However, neighboring property owners will be notified by mail at least one week prior to the City Council Meeting. The City Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall (201 S. Main St.).

Check the Agendas  & Minutes section above for details about when the next meeting will be held as well as the agenda packet. Planning Board meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 201 South Main Street.  

The process is explained in the above section, click here to open the citizen’s guide to the Special Use Permit Process.